4 Reasons Why You Should Choose The Police Foundations Program
January 6th, 2017 / By triOS College
Enrolling in and graduating from a Police Foundations program can help set you apart from the other candidates. This will show your experience and knowledge surrounding policing and maximize your chances of successfully obtaining a position.
Here are five major reasons why you should enroll in a Police Foundations program:

Police officers protect and save lives by enforcing the laws and actively participating in their communities.
Advance in Practical Training
Being a police officer is quite the physical job. You need to be physically fit and healthy in order to perform your duties properly. Even if you can pass the basic tests during the hiring process, you will need to keep improving if you are going to succeed in a career such as this. The good news is that a Police Foundations program can help you heighten your physical fitness and give you a heads up on what you can expect in terms of training and activities throughout your career. The practical nature of Police Foundations programs gives you the hands-on experience needed to succeed in advance of entering the police force.
Learn From Real Experience
The Police Foundations program at triOS College provides you with educated instructors, many of whom are retired police officers. This allows all students who have enrolled in the program to learn from real experiences rather than guesses and randomly constructed simulations. Thus, all graduates will have a working knowledge of how they can handle a wide range of common situations they will encounter during their career in the police force before that first day on the job.
Bolstering Book Learning
While practical application and physical training is important for a police officer’s education, so too is book learning. There are psychological and sociological theories that can be of great use throughout their career. While officers can learn some things while they are on the job, enrolling in and completing a Police Foundations program will help you learn this knowledge as soon as possible. This can lessen the learning time you need on the job and help you acclimatize quicker.
Prepare for Testing
When you apply for a position in policing, there are some tests and standards you must pass in order to be considered or accepted. This includes the Ontario Constables Selection Standards, which is a standardized system for Ontario police services to use when selecting their constable candidates. Other tests include PREP (Physical Readiness Evaluation for Police) fitness testing/certification, firearms training, and security guard licensing. Enrolling in a Police Foundations program works to ensure you are prepared for anything your potential employer requires of you during the hiring and training process.
Let’s Get Started
To find out more about our Police Foundations and Security program, check out our program page!