Want to Succeed in Your Internship? Here’s What Employers Are Really Looking For!

October 4th, 2024

Hi, my name is Inderpal, and I’m associated with Suraj Gupta & Associates Limited, an accounting firm. We specialize in providing a variety of services, including accounting, bookkeeping, and taxation.

When it comes to hiring, we look for dedication and eagerness to learn. We value individuals who are motivated and want to achieve something in life. It’s important for us to work with people who have the potential for long-term growth with our company. Dedication is the key trait we look for in anyone joining our team.

Over the years, we’ve hired interns from triOS College multiple times, and I must say, the experience has been great. The students we bring on board from triOS are very organized, which is something we truly appreciate in an accounting environment. Whether it’s their paperwork or day-to-day tasks, they consistently demonstrate a high level of organization. When I ask them to provide documentation, they deliver it right away, which makes our work much smoother.

In terms of their work ethic, the interns from triOS show full dedication, whether they’re working as part of an internship or in a more permanent role. My advice to them, and to any intern really, is to take their time. There’s no need to rush from one job to another. Gaining as much experience as possible from one position is crucial. It’s important to dedicate time, energy, and knowledge to a single place and grow alongside it.

One of the most important qualities I look for is good communication. Alongside that, I value good habits like punctuality. Showing up to work every day is extremely important. Sometimes people tend to take days off for minor reasons, and in doing so, they can lose track of their work. Being consistent and punctual is crucial to success in any role.

In summary, working with triOS College interns has been a positive experience for us. They are organized, dedicated, and possess the qualities we look for in future professionals. My advice to students is to stay committed, communicate effectively, and always show up with a willingness to learn.