The Business Administrative Role: 5 Tips For Success
May 6th, 2016 / By triOS College
A business administrative role is the glue of a business. Knowing their workplace like the back of their hand, they keep everyone connected and ensure that the company runs efficiently inside and out. Bringing knowledge and an abundance of office skills, there are five key attributes that add to their success.

Keeping everyone connected and ensuring that the company runs efficiently inside and out is part of a business administrative role.
1. They’re your industry experts.
You wouldn’t think administrative office roles required specific industry knowledge, but they do. They’re expected to be well-read industry insiders who know all the technology, trends and terminology that affect the company’s field. They know how to think proactively about trends, they’re tech-savvy, and they can be the eyes and ears of the company. This helps them effectively keep up with any company conversation.
2. They’re multitasking wizards.
Having a basic knowledge of Microsoft Word, Outlook and Excel is a given. But did you know administrative roles also know how to run meetings, organize large documents and create educational PowerPoint presentations? Sometimes they even have accounting, payroll, and human resource skills. This is aside from their day-to-day tasks, which also include coordinating meetings between some of the biggest players in the company.
3. They’re social media gurus.
Administrative office roles are an asset to a company’s online presence because they know how to effectively market their brand using social media tools. Sharing their interests through social media tools, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, and Hootsuite they can connect with other industry experts and like-minded people.
4. They’re strong communicators.
Good communication skills can go a long way, especially in the business world where a big part of networking is knowing how to connect with other people and companies. It’s common for administrative roles to be the first point of contact between the company and its clients and partners. So being able to communicate in a way that’s clear and concise can greatly help the company form professional long-lasting relationships.
5. They can think on their feet.
These are the type of people who can think outside of the box. They’re quick learners and they adapt well to their workplace and its needs. This is especially beneficial within the business industry when new situations arise daily, which may require the administrative roles to problem solve quickly. By learning to handle the complexities of the business’ industry, the administrative office role becomes an important resource to the company. Making sure that everything runs smoothly and on time.
Let’s Get Started
Are you thinking about a new career working in a professional business office? If this article interested you, triOS College offers an Advanced Business Office Applications Diploma program that will get you started in your career today. Graduates will receive exposure in a professional business environment, making them qualified to pursue many careers, including Administrative Assistant and Executive Assistant. Learn more here. triOS has campuses across Ontario and is ready to accept new students throughout the year!
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