Struggling to Succeed? Here’s How Student Success Advisors Can Help!

September 23rd, 2024

Hi, I’m Priya Ahluwalia, and I’ve been with triOS College for about five years now. As a Student Success Advisor, my role is all about being there for students, guiding them through the various challenges they face during their academic journey.

What Is a Student Success Advisor?

A Student Success Advisor is essentially a point of contact for students who need support. If they have concerns about their modules, grades, or even just general questions about their program, I’m here to help. My goal is to make sure students have someone they can turn to when things get tough, whether it’s academically or personally.

Throughout the ProgramHow Many Courses Can a Student Fail Without Being Withdrawn?

Unfortunately, sometimes students struggle and fail a module. At triOS College, students are allowed to fail up to four modules during their program. After the fourth, the policy requires that the student be withdrawn from the program. It’s a difficult situation, but I’m always here to help students navigate those moments and look for ways to get back on track.

What Are the Options for Help if a Student Is Struggling With Their Classes?

One of the key ways we help students who are struggling is through our peer tutoring system. If a student is having trouble with an assignment or exam, we can connect them with a peer tutor. These tutors are from the same program, though they may not be in the same class. They volunteer their time because they want to see their fellow students succeed, and it’s always inspiring to see the support they offer.

Can Students Take a Break From Their Program?

Sometimes life gets in the way of academics, and students need to take a break. At triOS College, we do allow students to take a break from their programs, but there is a three-month waiting period. This is to ensure that they are in the right frame of mind before returning. I always advise students to speak with their financial aid officers before making that decision, just in case there are any financial issues that could arise.

Can a Student Switch Programs in the Course of Their Studies?

If a student finds that the program they’re in isn’t the right fit for their future goals, they can switch programs. I always encourage them to come speak with me first so we can discuss the best course of action. Financial aid can be a big part of that decision, especially for students who are funded by loans, so it’s important to get all the facts before making the switch. But yes, switching programs is always an option.

What Is a Student Success Story That Sticks With You?

One story that stands out to me is about a student who had failed a few modules early in their program. At first, they were hesitant to reach out and weren’t very responsive. I think they didn’t fully understand my role or how I could help them. But once we connected, we worked together to reschedule their failed modules and come up with a plan for their success.

Balancing school with personal responsibilities is hard for many of our students, especially those with kids or jobs. It can be challenging to find time for everything, but seeing this student push through and eventually schedule their retakes was such a rewarding experience. There’s nothing quite like helping a student find a path that leads to graduation.

Being a Student Success Advisor at triOS College is incredibly fulfilling. I get to support students through their challenges, help them navigate financial and academic hurdles, and be there when they need someone to lean on. It’s a role that I’m proud of, and I’m always here to help students succeed, no matter what they’re going through.