Rose’s Story

July 23rd, 2024

Rose’s journey into the world of healthcare began long before she decided to pursue massage therapy. After moving to Canada in 2007, she initially worked in pharmacy and later transitioned to health informatics, where she has built a successful career over the past 10 years. However, the pandemic prompted Rose to reflect on her career path and sparked her interest in a more patient-facing role.

Her desire to interact more directly with patients led her to explore different healthcare programs. She was drawn to the flexibility of the Massage Therapy program at triOS College, which allowed her to continue working while studying. During her first visit to the campus, she met a knowledgeable instructor whose career path and insights into the blend of practical and theoretical learning inspired her to commit to the program. For Rose, the unique blend of practical and theoretical instruction at triOS, combined with the supportive and knowledgeable instructors, set the program apart from others. The ability to balance work and study was a significant factor in her decision to enroll.

Throughout her time at triOS, Rose has formed strong friendships with her classmates, who share similar goals and motivations but bring diverse perspectives. Her experiences in the student clinic have been particularly rewarding, where she applies what she’s learned to help repeat clients with various pathologies. She feels that this not only fosters her growth as a massage therapist but also provides meaningful support to her clients.

While Rose initially planned to pursue massage therapy part-time, the program opened her eyes to a wide range of opportunities, including research. Her ultimate goal is to open a clinic with other massage therapists and healthcare professionals, creating a collaborative environment for patient care.

Rose believes that triOS has played a role in providing her the necessary skills to succeed in various career paths., whether as an employee, business owner, or researcher. She advises prospective students to be prepared for the program’s intensity and to dedicate time and energy to excel. She emphasizes the importance of prioritizing health over compensation and highlights the comprehensive learning in science, client care, interpersonal communication, legal knowledge, and business aspects provided by the program. For Rose, the journey through the Massage Therapy program at triOS has been challenging yet immensely rewarding, paving the way for a fulfilling career in healthcare.